Some of the institutions where our graduates work

İş Yatırım, Finansbank, Garanti Bankası, Şekerbank, Yapı Kredi, Akbank, Kuveyt Türk, THY, Deloitte, UNDP, IDEMA, Nestle, PwC, Hilton, Efes Pilsen, Yıldız Holding, Huawei Technologies, Deutsche Securities Menkul Değerler A.Ş., EnerjiSa, Aksigorta, Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, Arçelik, Güneş Sigorta, Türk Telekom, DHL Express Turkey, UPS, Şişecam, Decathlon

Institutions where our graduates continue their academic career

Beykent University, University of Arizona, İstanbul University Faculty of Economics

Institutions where our graduates continue their master's and doctoral education

The George Washington University, Bahçeşehir University (MBA), London School of Economics, Marmara University (MBA), University of Texas El Paso (PhD), Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Prospectives, Économiques (PhD), İbn Haldun University (Economics MA), Kadir Has University (Economics MA, Economics PhD, MBA)